"Like" is a way to give positive feedback or to connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post to give them feedback or like a Page that you want to connect with on Facebook. You can also connect to content and Pages through social plugins or advertisements on and off Facebook.
When you click Like on a Page, in an advertisement of Facebook, you are making a connection. The connection will be displayed in your profile and on your Wall and your friends may receive a News Feed story about the connection. You may be displayed on the Page you connected to, in advertisements about that Page, or in social plugins next to the content you like. The Page may also post content into your News Feed or send you messages. You may also share this connection with applications on the Facebook Platform.
You always have control over your connections. You can unlike most content immediately, manage your connections on your profile, and restrict who you share your connections with in your privacy settings.
Ads must accurately describe how the "Like" feature functions.
- Acceptable:
"Click 'Like' to connect with X."
"Like our Page to receive updates, news, deals, etc."
"Like vENKAT's Page to show your support."
"Like our Page to receive updates, news, deals, etc."
"Like vENKAT's Page to show your support."
- Unacceptable:
"Click 'Like if you agree."
"Like this ad to see the video."
"Like our Page to automatically enter our raffle."
The Like and Recommend buttons on other sites let you express interest to your friends with one click. In order for your action to appear on Facebook, you must be logged into Facebook at the time you click the button. You can choose who can see the things you like within your privacy settings.
When you click Like or Recommend, the button turns darker to indicate your approval. Back on Facebook, a story will appear on your profile and may appear in your friends' News Feed, just as if you liked something on Facebook.
In some cases, when you like or recommend content of Facebook, such as a movie, athlete or business, this connection works in the same way as when you like a Page on Facebook. It will appear on your profile, you may receive messages or updates in your News Feed, and you may be associated with the connection in Pages, ads, or social plugins.
You can remove a like either by editing the Info section of your profile or by returning to the web page where you liked something and unliking it.
The Like and Recommend buttons on other sites let you express interest to your friends with one click. In order for your action to appear on Facebook, you must be logged into Facebook at the time you click the button. You can choose who can see the things you like within your privacy settings.
When you click Like or Recommend, the button turns darker to indicate your approval. Back on Facebook, a story will appear on your profile and may appear in your friends' News Feed, just as if you liked something on Facebook.
In some cases, when you like or recommend content of Facebook, such as a movie, athlete or business, this connection works in the same way as when you like a Page on Facebook. It will appear on your profile, you may receive messages or updates in your News Feed, and you may be associated with the connection in Pages, ads, or social plugins.
You can remove a like either by editing the Info section of your profile or by returning to the web page where you liked something and unliking it.
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