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A-Z well know search engines & home pages....

Altavista is well known first search engine Active since 1995.
the home page of altavista

Ask Ask Jeeves initially gained fame in 1998 and 1999 as being the “natural language” search engine that let you search by asking questions and responded with what seemed to be the right answer to everything.

Baidu offers many services, including a Chinese search engine for websites, audio files, and images.Active since 2000.

Bing s Microsofts latest facelift on the search engine that was first named MSN Search, then Live Search and now Bing. Bing is considered by most to take the third spot after Google and Yahoo in terms of search quality. It’s also third in search as far as market share is conserned.Active since 1999.

Blekko is a brand new “Google killer”.Active since 2010.

ChaCha is a search engine which specializes in a question answering service that uses a technique known as the human search engine. ChaCha was created by Scott A. Jones and Brad Bostic. The company is based in Carmel, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis, United States.

Dogpile is a meta search engine that combines the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask search engines.Since active 1996.
Daum is a popular web portal in South Korea, like Naver and Nate. Daum offers many Internet services to web users, including a popular free web-based e-mail, messaging service, forums, shopping and news. The word “daum” means “next” in Korean.

DuckDuckGo founded by Gabriel Weinberg, active since 2008.

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